Here you can browse the list of guns and drones found within Sky Rush, detailing their effects and how to use them.
Pistol is your first basic weapon, does moderate damage and auto regenerates ammo.
With two barrel you get double fire rate and double the damage, a must have!
The laser uses energy instead of ammo. It has high accuracy but relatively low damage rate.
The plasma infuser unit increases the damage of the laser while also dramatically reducing its energy consumption.
This weapon has a blistering rate of fire, but has a significant power-up time and each individual bullet doesn't pack a huge punch.
These devices of destruction reign terror across the sky with increase speed and ammo capacity.
Although it has a low rate of fire, the HPR is the gun-slinger's weapon of choice with its accuracy and high damage.
The addition of improved optics on the HPR mean that it will be a sure deadly shot each time.
Basic drone which gathers gold from crystals, use to get gold to buy items from the shop.
This drone repairs other damaged drones in the area. Ideal if you have a miner and shield drones around.
Deploy a few of these drones as tough forcefields against Critter charges and bullets.
An additional clip of the standard issue recharging pistol bullets. Each purchase is 10 rounds.
Smaller calibre bullets used by the Minigun. Each purchase is 50 rounds.
Large calibre bullets used by the HPR. Each purchase is 5 rounds.
A one-shot boost of 25% health
A one-shot addition of 50 energy.